My storage type seq is as below,
1 PICK (Fixed bin)
2 OFLO (Overflow)
I would like to fill multiple bins in overflow storage type in case there are no fixed bins left for filling replen qty & in case overflow bins are getting filled and still replen qty (HUs) are left.
Let me give similar example again,
Replen qty for storage type PICK is 2HUs. As per storage type seq. BADI gets called for storage type PICK first. There are no fixed bins which can accept 2 HUs. Standard code fetches the next storage type which is OFLO(Overflow). I have 2 overflow bins out of which 1 has the product filled already & has space for 1 more HU. Another bin is empty. I have to propose the bin with product filled first before empty bin. I do it & warehouse task gets created to fill 1 HU for this OFLO bin1. But since BADI is called only at storage type level, its not called again.. So i am not able to replenish the 2nd HU to overflow bin2.
Please let me know if my thread is not clear.