Hi Fred
I recently asked the same question regarding using Networks and the PP interface.
The process I got working was....
Demand set in the Network (281 mvt type)
Plant 1000 had an SLoc of 0001 and the main warehouse W01
I added a production SLoc 0002 and lnked the existing warehouse, W01, with that.
I copied the 100 storage type and configured the SLoc for PP
Set up Control Cycles for the materials
So, when I ran MF60, to stage materials, materials were moved from the warehouse storage type to the 100 storage type.
As I could not get backflushing to work with 281 mvt (261 is for that from production orders) I issued materials to the planned Network reservation by:
MB1A mvt 281 To Reservation which created the TR
Then I had to convert the TR to TO using LB10 taking the stock from the 100 storage type and then confirmed using LT12.
The only problem I had was when I staged the materials, the storage type changed from a warehouse storage type to 100 but the storage bin from the warehouse was also copied.
1000 1000 Plant
0001 0002 SLoc
W01 W01 Warehouse
QQ 100 Storage type
Bin-5 Bin-5 Storage bin
I was expecting the control cycle to define the destination storage bin but I could not get this to work.
When you said that after processing MIGO the stock was relieved from 100 and a TR was created were you showing a negative in that storage type?