Matt, here another question arises that if a price has been updated for multiple times in just one day then business wants to record which price as even in history database table only most previous value and most recent value is available. I would personally suggest you to control this using some another way, tak ethe help of your abaper and at include RV61AFZB and FORM USEREXIT_XKOMV_ERGAENZEN restrict users to change condition types at billing level also MV61AFZA and FORM USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION can be used to modify the screen as per your requirement. You can also control it via authorization, have a look at this document for your reference Authorization for entering/displaying manual condition in Sale order. Lastly, in case if business don't want to hide or set to display only condition update button then it would be better to track the changes by making some Z* report sales order wise using control tables and structures which i've shared in my earlier post. I'm quiet interested in knowing that which option you'll be going for. Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks.