Have tried configure PO release strategy for two possible approvers of PO depending on specific price range.
Since sandbox is not functioning in our system, I just draft my configuration. Below is my configuration:
1. Characteristics - have created 3 characteristics; (a) PO document type characteristics, (b) Purchasing group characteristics (contains values of purchasing group numbers); (c) PO total amount (contains range of values of PO amount; range: 0 to 1 million PHP, greater than 1 million PHP)
2. Class - have assigned the three characteristics to PO release strategy class
3. Release Procedure for PO:
a. Created release group for the class
b. Created 4 release codes for the ff conditions:
(1) for purchasing orgs from company 1, range value 0 to 1 million PHP
(2) for purchasing orgs from company 2, range value 0 to 1 million PHP
(3) for purchasing orgs from company 1, range value greater than 1 million PHP
(4) for purchasing orgs from company 2, range value greater than 1 million PHP
c. Release indicators - block and release only
d. Release strategies:
(1) for purchasing orgs from company 1, range value 0 to 1 million PHP
- assign first release code and select purchasing orgs from company 1 and range value 0 to 1 million PHP on "classification" view/button per characteristic description
(2) for purchasing orgs from company 2, range value 0 to 1 million PHP
- assign second release code and select purchasing orgs from company 2 and range value greater than 1 million PHP on "classification" view/button per characteristic description
(3) for purchasing orgs from company 1, range value greater than 1 million PHP
- assign third release code and select purchasing orgs from company 1 and range value 0 to 1 million PHP on "classification" view/ button per characteristic description
(4) for purchasing orgs from company 2, range value greater than 1 million PHP
- assign fourth release code and select purchasing orgs from company 2 and range value greater than 1 million PHP on "classification" view/button per characteristic description
Desired result should be: approver 1 can approve PO with purch groups from company 1 and 2 and range value of PO total amount 0 to 1 million PHP. If the range value of PO total amount is greater than 1 million PHP, approver 1 cannot approve PO from any purch group but approver 2 will approve PO with said range value and purch groups from company 1 and 2.
May I ask if there will be any problem with this configuration? Should I configure others in MM module?
Thanks and regards,
Jeremiah Dollente